Freshmen Senators

Adrianna Udensi
Freshman Senator on the Physical Planning Committee
“I decided to join student government because of my interest in what happens behind the scenes of campus events. I wanted to become a senator to give a voice to individuals in my hall on what was occurring on campus, and how we can make our experience here better.”
She is a Biomedical Engineering major from Spartanburg, NC.

Amaya Williams
Freshman on the Campus Life Committee.
“Student Government is important to me because in addition to being able to help foster school spirit in planning events, we get to ensure the voice of the students is being heard. I joined student government for the opportunity to spotlight the voices of the students and enhance the community and student experience!”
She is a Biochemistry Major from Morrisville, NC.

Alaina Wheeler
Freshman Senator on the Academic Committee
“I joined SG because I wanted to gain a voice in Wake Forest’s community and get to know my peers better. I saw the power and positive ways that the student government works towards change and I wanted to be a part of that change. The student government is a privilege to be a part of, and I take each role/task given to me with high honor and respect.”
She is a Biology and Chemistry double major from Waldorf, MD.

Blake Sterling
Freshman on the Physical Planning Committee
“I joined SG because it was the one thing from my high school that I really enjoyed and I wanted to continue my passion for student engagement in college. I also wanted to join an organization at Wake that makes a difference in the life of students, works with administrators and has opportunities for me to apply components from my major. ”
She is a Politics & International Affairs Major from Matthews, NC.

David Fountain
Freshman Senator on the Academic Committee
“I want to improve the quality of community on campus beyond what the administration and others declare it to be. I want to be able to walk a campus where its normal to stop and smile at someone, where you can ask someone about their day and make friends out of strangers. ”
He is a double major in History and German with a Politics minor from Wooinville, WA.

Eli Leadham
Freshman Senator on the D&I Commitee
“I joined to student government to ensure student concerns were heard and to improve the overall transparency between admin decisions and students.”
He is Sociology Major with minors in African American Studies and Computer Science from Portland, OR.

Ella Erickson
Freshman Senator on the Physical Planning Committee
“I joined SG because I want to make a difference in the student life at Wake Forest and to work on projects that are important to me.”
She is an Environmental and Sustainability Studies major from Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

Elizabeth Unger
Freshman Senator on SOC
“I want to make a difference and ensure that everyone’s voices are heard.”
She is from Hudson, OH and is undecided on her major.

Gaits Buntin
Freshman Senator on the Physical Planning Committee
“I loved getting to work as a liaison between the students and the faculty while being on SG in high school, so I joined SG here to be able to pursue a similar role and make improvements for students across campus.”
He is a BEM Major from Nashville, TN.

Gialin Tran
Freshman Senator on the Campus Life Committee
“Student Government has always been a big part of my life, even in high school. So I really wanted to be a part of it at a college level.”
She is an intended Business Major from Orlando, FL.

Jeffery Ayako
Freshman Senator on the Judiciary Committee
“I joined college student government to help promote diversity and inclusion on campus. By bringing different perspectives and voices to the table, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all students.”
He is a Biochemistry and Psychology double major from Nairobi, Kenya.

Juan Londono
Freshman Senator on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
“I joined SG to make Wake a better, more represented, and more representative place.”
He is undecided on his major and is from Miami, Florida.

Katherine Claybrook
Freshman Senator on the Campus Life Committee
“I joined Student Government to become actively involved in the Wake Forest community and to make the institutions and activities on campus as accessible as possible to every student.”
She is a Spanish major from Advance, NC.

Lily Egbert
Freshman Senator on the SAPSA Committee
“I joined Student Government to be involved with the decision-making process on campus and to act as an advocate for my peers. I hope to act as a bridge between the student body and the administration to help foster positive change in the Wake Forest Community.”
She is a Politics and International Affairs major from Philadelphia, PA.

Lourdes Lopez
Freshman Senator on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
“I joined Student Government to make a positive impact in my community by advocating for all the groups and associations on campus, especially those in which I am a part of. As a hispanic student, I also aim to make the community at Wake Forest all the more accepting and diverse.”
She is a Biological Sciences major from Clemmons, North Carolina.

Natalia House
Freshman Senator on the Public Relations Committee
“I joined student government so that I could continue molding myself into a prominent leader. I’ve always had a fondness for changing campus life to aid student concerns and requests. I have been in places where I never had a voice and student government is my chance to not only share my voice but the voice of my classmates. ”
She is from Salisbury, NC and is undecided on her major.

Owen Jun
Freshman Senator on the Physical Planning Committee
“I wanted to be involved in planning events for students.”
He is a Computer Science major from Seoul, South Korea.

Salvatore Cascio
Freshman on SOC
“I wanted to be able to help make change inside of our classrooms and inside our Wake Forest community. ”
He is a Politics & International Affairs Major from Staten Island, NY.

Samantha Servin
Freshman Senator on the D&I Committee
“I joined SG to be a voice for my peers and be a link between students and administrators.”
She is an intended Finance Major from Des Plaines, IL.

Theresa Murphy
Freshman Senator on the Public Relations Committee
“I joined student government because I have a passion for leadership and want to be an advocate for Wake Forest Students.”
She is a Biology major from Wisconsin.

William Burns
Freshman Senator on the Public Relations Committee
” I really appreciate the leadership skills learned through SG as well as formative bonds that can be made with classmates of all grades. It is a great way to get out there and do great things for the betterment of Wake Forest.”
He is a Politics and Communications double major from Winston-Salem, NC.

Zoe Malekzadeh
Freshman Senator on the Academic Committee
“I love collaborating with others to work towards a common goal that will benefit all students and faculty, making Wake an even more inclusive and comfortable place to live and learn.”
She is a Business and Political Science double major from Great Falls, VA.