About SG

Our History
Since 1923, we have been rooted in the history of Wake Forest’s development as a world-class institution. Our organization has come to demonstrate committed student leadership in our community.
SG was a leader in the movement to integrate the school—an accomplishment finally achieved after an affirmative vote of the Senate led the faculty and the Board of Trustees to act. More recently, SG has been successful in securing expanded on-campus housing for students in a rather controversial action that saw North Campus Apartments refurbished from faculty residences to fit the needs of an evolving campus.
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“…duly enrolled members of the undergraduate student body of Wake Forest University shall be citizens of the Student Government…”
Wake Forest Student Government Constitution
Student Government works with a semi-presidential system. The Executive is led by the Student Body President and consists of the Speaker of the House, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Chief of Staff. All executive positions aside from the Chief of Staff who is appointed by the President, is popularly elected by the undergraduate population.
The Cabinet is appointed via an application and interview process by the elected Executive branch. The cabinet consists of two co-chairs of the five standing committees (Academic, Campus Life, Diversity & Inclusion, Public Relations, and Physical Planning).
The Executive & Cabinet in turn work closely with members of the Senate to pass legislation and advocate on behalf of Wake Forest students. Members of the senate are elected by class to represent their peers.
If you’re interested in learning more about SG operations, please see our Process Packet.