Virtual Elections Plan
Hello everyone,
Hope each of you are doing well and had a good first week of virtual classes! These past few weeks have a been a series of adjustments but we are keeping high spirits and we will continue to provide support for the concerns and questions of the student body.
At this time, Student Government Elections will be going virtual. Below is the revised timeline and instructions for the elections and election procedures.
Please be aware of the following dates regarding Student Government Elections:
Tuesday, February 18th – Elections Packet is released
Tuesday, March 3rd – Candidates may collect signatures
Tuesday, March 10th – Campaign staff offers may be made
Sunday, March 29th – 5:00 PM Petitions Close to Signatures; submit, via email, campaign teams (with signature or text/email verification) to the appropriate member of the Elections Commission (see document link below for details)
– 8:00 PM Candidates’ Meeting, Google Meeting
Tuesday, March 31st – 12:00 PM Candidates may begin campaigning
Sunday, April 5th – 7:30 PM Executive Candidate Debate, Zoom
Tuesday, April 7th – 12:00 AM Polls Open on the Link
– 5:00 PM Campaign Budgets Due
– 11:59 PM Polls Close Online
– Midnight Results Posted Virtually, via Email to Candidates, Social Media to the Student Body
Student Government Elections are a sanctified process for the student body of Wake Forest University, and it is vital that they remain so. It is the goal of the Elections Committee that the following guidelines ensure that all elections are fair and equitable, independent of the candidate or office in question. The campaign environment, enforcement of all campaign rules, and treatment of candidates in informing, investigating, and punishing campaign violations are upheld by the Elections Committee made up of SG’s faculty advisory, the SG Executive Branch, the Student Trustee, the Judicial Co-Chairs, and the Judiciary Committee Co-Chairs.
Click Here for Virtual Election Guidelines
For General Election Rules Click Here for Elections Packet Spring 2020
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